Quninnipiac University in Connecticut conducts a widely respected monthly poll among self-reported registered voters. July’s poll contained a number of questions referring to Donald Trump and racism. A vast majority of African Americans and Democrats believe the President of the United States to be a racist and that his behavior emboldens other racists. Conversely, the broad majority of Republicans do not see that as the case.
Below are some of the responses from the poll. Note the poll had 1,020 participants with a margin of error of +/- 3.7%.
Do you think Donald Trump is a racist?
49% of poll respondents believe Trump to be a racist. This belief was shared by 11% of Republicans, 86% of Democrats and 50% of Independents.
Among college educated white people 50% believed Trump to be a racist. 79% of African Americans and 58% of Hispanics believed it to be true.
Do you think Donald Trump has emboldened people who hold racists beliefs?
Overall 55% of participants believed Trump has emboldened racists. Only 22% of Republicans believe this to be true while a majority of Democrats (88%) and Independents (57%) believe Trump emboldens racists.

63% of college educated whites and 77% of African Americans believe Trump’s actions and rhetoric has emboldened racists to express their racist beliefs. 67% of Hispanic Americans also believed Trump has emboldened those that hold racist attitudes.
Do You Approve of the way Donald Trump is handling race relations?
Only 36% of overall poll participants approved of the way Donald Trump is handling race relations. 79% of Republicans approved while only 4% and 31% of Democrats and Independents approved.
Trump also faces a deficit among college educated whites with only 35% approving of his handling of race relations. Hispanic Americans provided Trump with a lowly 27% approval rate. African Americans provided Trump with the lowest approval rate at only 3% approving.
What do you think is the main motive behind Trump’s immigration policies?
50% of respondents believed the motivation behind Trump’s immigration policies is his racist beliefs, however this is true for only 6% of Republicans. 80% of Democrats and 45% of Independents attribute his immigration policies to racism.
47% of college educated white respondents and 78% of black respondents also believe Trump’s racist beliefs drive his immigration policy. 50% of Hispanics believed the polices stemmed from racism.